Types of Ayurvedic Therapies

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An Ayurvedic practitioner will create a treatment plan specifically designed for you. They’ll take into account your unique physical and emotional makeup, your primary life force, and the balance between all three of these elements when choosing the most appropriate ayurvedic treatment.

The goal of treatment is to cleanse your body of undigested food, which can stay in your body and lead to illness. The cleansing process, called “panchakarma,” is designed to reduce your symptoms and restore harmony and balance.

There are many different types of Ayurvedic therapies which are used in Ayurvedic clinics. The most popular treatments are briefly described below:


This is a warm oil massage that is very different to a Western massage. With Abhyanga the aim is to push the oil into the pores of the skin with long strokes on the long bones and circular motions on the joints. The qualities of warm oil are the opposite of Vata (the energy of movement) and so calms and pacifies the nervous system via the bodies largest organ, the skin. During Abhyanga the energy points (Marma) are stimulated, which is a powerful way of clearing energy blockages.


Basti is the introduction of oils into the large intestine via the rectum. Medicated oil, herbal decoction or a mixture is introduced directly into the colon as an enema, typically used to treat Vata dosha (though it can be used to treat all dosha). The herbs are directly absorbed in to the bloodstream from the large intestine without being weakened by the digestive system. According to Ayurveda, Basti is the most powerful purification procedure used in Panchakarma and is suitable for all ages. Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy with long-lasting health benefits which is integral to the ayurvedic process of purifying the body.

Greeva Basti

Greeva Basti is a treatment where warm medicated herbal oils are applied to the upper back or neck area and kept in place with a dough ring. It treats a wide variety of upper back and neck problems by relaxing and strengthening the local muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Hrdaya Dhara

Hrdaya dhara (Hrdaya Basti) is a treatment where medicated oils are applied to the heart area and kept in place with a dough ring. The warm medicated oils are poured into the dough ring and are repeatedly replaced with more warm oil as they cool. This powerful  treatment is used in a variety of cardiac conditions and also to release emotions.

Janu Basti

Janu Basti is a treatment where warm medicated herbal oils are applied to the knees and kept in place with a dough ring. It treats a wide range of knee problems by relaxing and strengthening the local muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Kara (Hasta) Abhyanga

Kara (Hasta) Abhyanga refers to the massaging of the hands to relax the hand muscles and improve the range of movement. The lower arms are usually massaged with special attention being paid to the Marma (energy points) of the hands to rebalance the body. Massaging the hands can help to reduce Vata and also improve any issues with the wrist and elbow.

Karna Purana

Karna Purana involves herbal oils being dropped into the ears which treats disorders of the ears, head and neck. This treatment reduces Vata in the ears manifesting as dryness and tinnitus and helps conditions such as headaches.

Kati Basti

Kati Basti is a treatment where warm medicated herbal oils are applied to the lower back and kept in place with a dough ring. It treats a wide variety of lower back issues by relaxing and strengthening the local muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Marma Abhyanga

Marma Abhyanga is a treatment that involves massaging the Marma (energy) points of the body. There are 107 Marma points on the body which are targeted to help balance the Doshas and different organ systems. The Marma points targeted depends on the condition being treated.

Mukha Abhyanga

This is a face massage. During an Ayurvedic face massage the sweeping upward movements and the stimulation of Marma points on the face help to rejuvenate and brighten the complexion. This treatment is deeply calming, can improve sleep and help reduce anxiety.


Nasya involves medicated oils dropped into the nostrils to alleviate problems in the head and neck region. The nose is seen as a gateway to the brain, using herbal oils via the nostrils helps alleviate a range of symptoms.

Nabhi Abhyanga

Nabhi Abhyanga Nabhi refers to the abdomen. During a Nabhi Abhyanga the abdomen is massaged in order to aid detoxification and help with digestive complaints such as bloating and constipation. This treatment helps to improve Agni (digestive fire), thereby balancing digestion. The Marma (energy) points of the abdominal area are also stimulated to improve and balance the functions of the underlying organs.

Netra Basti

Netra Basti (Akshi Tarpana) is a treatment when medicated or plain ghee are applied over and around the eyes held by a dough ring. ​ In this unique treatment, luke-warm ghee is applied to the eye area and kept in place in a dough ring, the client is asked to blink so the eyes are cleansed and nourished by the ghee. This is a helpful treatment in a variety of eye conditions.

Pada Abhyanga

Pada means foot so this is an Ayurvedic foot massage. The feet are massaged with warm oil to stimulate circulation, improve lymphatic drainage and balance the body. There is a saying in Ayurveda that whoever massages their feet every day, will never fall ill. During the Pada Abyanga, special attention is paid to the Marma (energy) points of the feet and lower leg to balance the body. A foot massage is also helpful in aiding a good night’s rest and is therefore recommended before bedtime.

Pinda Sweda

This is a body treatment performed using cotton boluses filled with fresh or dry herbs dipped in a hot liquid such as herbal oil or decoction. Pinda Sweda is a wonderful treatment for musculoskeletal conditions involving pain, stiffness, contraction or loss of function. A variety of dried or fresh leaves, or cooked rice is used along with a hot liquid such as a herbal oil or decoction or medicated milk. This treatment is also known by the names Kizhi and Potali. Pinda Sweda: 60-90 minutes.

Prishtha Abhyanga

Prishtha is the Sanskrit name for the back, sothis is a back massage. Warm oil is used to massage the back to help release tightness and pain. During an Ayurvedic back massage, attention is also paid to the Marma (energy) points of the back to rebalance the body and reduce stress. By working on the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints the massage can improve flexibility and the range of motion of the joints. Prishtha Abhyanga: 45 minutes.

Shiro Abhyanga

This is an Ayurvedic head (Shiro) massage more popularly known as Indian head massage. Warm oil is applied to the scalp and head and then massaged. This treatment is both relaxing and invigorating and can help relieve tension, improve sleep and also nourish and improve the condition of the hair. Shiro Abhyanga: 45-60 minutes.


This is the systematic, continual pouring of warm oil back and forth across the forehead. Shirodhara can have profound effects on relaxation and is an excellent stress reliever and Vata reducer. Shirodhara: 40-60 minutes.


This is a therapy that induces perspiration by applying heat to the body. Svedana usually involves applying steam to the entire or part of the body to detoxify and reduce pain or stiffness. Svedan: 15-30 minutes plus.


Udvartana is a therapeutic massage using herbal powders to bring lightness to the body. During Udvartana, herbal powders are massaged over the body in an upwards direction to reduce excess Kapha, aid weight loss and reduce other symptoms related to metabolic syndrome. Udvartana: 40-60 minutes.