What is Ayurveda?

benefits of ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu medical system based on curing a disease by treating the cause. In Ayurveda, the whole body is interlinked and so a disturbance in one part will affect the whole body. Ayurveda aims for the complete health of the whole body.

Modern medicine is based on the concept of sudden and instantaneous relief. The symptoms are treated but the root cause is not. The symptoms disappear for a while but the underlying cause remains and may develop into a more serious condition in the future. Modern medicine uses synthetic medicines which have the opposite effect of what the body is producing. There is therefore always the risk of side-effects.

Ayurvedic medicine, on the other hand, is based on natural techniques and herbal supplements, which have minimal side effects. Ayurveda does not suppress the body but instead treats the underlying cause of an illness. It is a complete health treatment which acts on the whole body system making you feel better in your entire body.

Ayurvedic medicines are natural

Most of the supplements in Ayurveda are essence of fruits, vegetables and jadi-booties, which are nature’s gift to Man. Jadi-booties are rarely found wild plants and fruits which are very effective in the treatment of some diseases.

Ayurveda works on all levels. It not only gives the body what it needs but it also avoids harmful supplements. The concept of ‘Parheja’, in Ayurveda, is the concept of avoiding harmful foods and supplements which disturb the balance of the body.

Benefits of Ayurveda

The benefits of Ayurveda include:

1. Relieves stress

Some of the techniques used in Ayurveda, such as meditation, yoga, herbs and breathing exercises help to reduce stress and anxiety.1

2. Hormonal Balance

Ayurveda helps to naturally balance hormones, resulting in a healthy menstrual cycle/pregnancy.2

3. Reduces  Inflammation

Ayurveda reduces chronic inflammation which is the cause of most chronic diseases, such as heart disease, dementia and premature aging. Ayurvedic treatments, including yoga and massage, can reduce pain and swelling, improve blood flow and treat inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Using a combination of herbal treatments, antioxidants and exercises that gently boost metabolism, can help reduce inflammation and increase energy. Turmeric in combination with black pepper is a herbal formulation which is used for inflammation.

4. Reduces Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

The diets and relaxation techniques promoted by ayurveda can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, prevent inflammation and help reduce arterial plaque build-up, even reversing the thickening of artery walls (atherosclerosis) in both healthy adults and those with a higher risk for heart disease. 3

5. Reduce Symptoms of Illness and Disease

Eating an illness-specific diet, increasing sun exposure, and doing breathing exercises can help improve your appetite and relieve symptoms of illness. Some minerals, such as iron are thought to have healing properties to keep diseases away and reduce the chances of getting sick. Some supplements used in ayurveda may contain toxic metals, so only buy from reputable suppliers.

6. Cleanses The Body

Ayurvedic medicine promotes internal cleansing for improved health. “Panchakama” is the process of removing food and toxins that interfere with body function. Enemas, oils, and massage therapy help get the body working properly by moving toxins from the tissues to the intestines to remove them from the body.

Ayurveda is especially helpful in detoxing the body using various herbs, teas, healthy foods and plenty of rest. Certain practices also increase circulation and liver function – for example, bhyanga is the practice of rubbing the skin with herbal or essential oils to increase blood flow and help draw toxins out of the body through the skin. Ayurveda practitioners might also prescribe various herbs that help lower cortisol such as holy basil or ashwagandha.

7. Overall Balance

Ayurveda focuses on individualised treatment and improves the entire body, internally and externally. When someone has emotional stress or health issues, physical activity, nutrition, and spiritual enlightenment can recalibrate your body and promote balance.

8. Weight Loss

Ayurvedic medicine helps with the removal of excess weight as it promotes a natural and healthy diet.

9. Regulates Bloating

Practicing Ayurveda can help reduce bloating and poor digestion by removing the build-up of waste. Spices, herbs, and roots like cumin, cardamom, fennel, and ginger can prevent indigestion. Chewing cumin and ginger before eating can promote digestion, and drinking cardamom and fennel in boiled water can calm the digestive system as well as relieve cramps.

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. The therapies have been developed over millennia and have been passed down from generation to generation. Ayurvedic medicine promotes health and wellness by harmonising the mind, body, and spirit.

Taking in to account all of the benefits of Ayurveda, its popularity is increasing. Research shows that many patients have received positive results from ayurvedic treatment, and so ayurveda is sure to bring about a revolution in the field of medicine.